K-Rails - Non-toxic and Environmentally Safe Concrete Safety Barriers
Built with safety and reliability in mind, concrete k-rails are made for permanent or semi-permanent applications. They are created to serve multiple purposes such as security, traffic diversion, and blocking off access.
Posted on Nov-16-2017
The common types of barrier materials used for perimeter security
Perimeter security is done for denying access to unauthorized vehicles. Often it is accomplished by the placement of safety barriers around the property. Safety barriers can be placed along the line of the site, within the grounds or outside of the property.
Posted on Nov-16-2017
The Role of concrete barriers in Military perimeter protection
Concrete safety barriers have many other functions other than re-routing vehicles to decrease the possibility of accidents.
Posted on Aug-22-2017
The Use of Concrete barriers in perimeter security
Perimeter security means providing protection to people and assets within an establishment and areas surrounding it by preventing entry to unauthorized intrusions.
Posted on Aug-22-2017
The role of Concrete barriers in sustainable development
Concrete barriers were developed and tested to reduce the Crossover, the most hazardous of motor accidents. According to the World Commission on Environment and Development.
Posted on Mar-30-2017
Concrete Barriers for Enhanced Site Safety and Highway Traffic Management
There may be thousands of reasons behind the usage of concrete barriers in power plants, construction sites and highways. But, protecting the workers and public from unexpected injury or falls tops the list.
Posted on Mar-07-2017
Importance of Concrete Jersey Barriers at Construction Sites
There are many reasons for using safety barriers in the construction industry. But the main reason behind this is: to protect the workers and also the public. For instance, just imagine - a worker falling from a height, and injuring himself or perhaps the fall results in his death.
Posted on Feb-01-2017
Keep your Property Free from Hurdles with Safety Barriers
Safety barriers have a simple and uncomplicated appearance, but its usage and functionality is more sophisticated than you think.
Posted on Dec-07-2016
Popular Types of Traffic Barriers you need to know
Barriers are used everywhere – restaurants, retail stores, stadiums and more. Only a high quality barrier can enhance the safety and security of such locations and keep everything in place.
Posted on Oct-13-2016
Recommended Tips to Choose a Safety Barrier for Construction Site
Safety barriers are always useful as it controls the flow of traffic off your construction site. You must be extra careful in the strategies that you choose to secure your site and one of such sensible ways is to invest in safety barriers.
Posted on Oct-13-2016
Comparison between different shapes of concrete barriers
Generally all shapes of concrete barriers could satisfy the objectives of safety engineers. Other things to be considered are future overlays and the nature of the traffic.
Posted on Oct-10-2016
Jersey barriers- are they worth the investment?
One of the most hazardous and difficult type of crashes to predict, occurring on our highways is the median crossover crashes.
Posted on Oct-09-2016
Four Practical Advantages of Concrete Barriers
While driving your car, you may have noticed triangular modular concrete barriers used to separate lanes for managing traffic. You may have noticed the same in construction sites to prevent trespassers from entry.
Posted on Sep-22-2016
Things to Know About Temporary Safety Barriers
Temporary safety barriers are usually required if there is any undergoing work on the roads and road reserves.
Posted on Aug-30-2016
The Classification of Barriers in Safety Functions
The term barrier is often used in the description of safety characteristics in a system. The difference between barrier functions and a barrier is that the barrier function represents a function that is planned to prevent
Posted on Aug-30-2016
Pros and Cons Of Various Types Of Barriers
A head on crash is very severe when compared to other types of highway crashes. It takes just a few seconds for vehicles moving at highway speed to cross the median and collide with the vehicles from the other side of the lane.
Posted on Aug-29-2016
Role of Safety barriers in Perimeter security
In order to protect employees, guests and the building functions and services from any disturbances such as unauthorized vehicles approaching close to or entering high risk building, Perimeter security is adopted.
Posted on Aug-29-2016
Criteria for Choosing the Right Kind of Barriers
Crowd control and highway control barriers come in various materials and sizes. They have to be selected according to the purpose.
Posted on Jun-10-2016
Regulate Traffic and Protect Property Successfully with Barriers
It's not easy to manage heavy traffic. Any event or road that attracts huge traffic can be tough to organize without proper control mechanisms.
Posted on Jun-09-2016
Five Essential Criteria in Selecting High-Quality Control Barriers
Managing huge crowd in concerts, political rallies, stores or even in offices with long queues of people is a tall order. Aside from securing the area from unwanted and uninvited individuals, you also need to keep the crowd under control for safety purposes.
Posted on May-05-2016
Practical Tips for Selecting Traffic Control Barriers
Concrete barriers play a significant role in maintaining order and safety for various occasions. They can serve as guides and divisions for huge crowds, or they can be used in managing and rerouting traffic.
Posted on May-05-2016
Revealed: Advantages of Concrete Jersey barriers
According to the USA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there have been 32,675 deaths due to vehicle crashes on roadways in 2014 alone. These crashes cost $1 trillion due to loss of productivity and life as per 2010 statistics.
Posted on Apr-12-2016
Tips to Choose Crowd Control Barriers
Crowd management is one of the toughest in any event management. If you have seen or attended any sporting event, music concert or festivals, you would have noticed the difficulty that event organizers face in managing the crowd.
Posted on Apr-12-2016
Protecting People and Assets with High Quality Security Barriers
No matter what kind of infrastructure it is, installing concrete security barriers for perimeter protection could greatly enhance the safety level of the infrastructure premises.
Posted on Mar-18-2016
Two Things to Consider When Installing Perimeter Barriers
Concrete security barriers are used to regulate and control gatherings, whether big or small. The history of these barriers began in Belgium, when a French photographer in the late 1800s, who was also a balloonist, used temporary barriers to keep visitors away from the balloon.
Posted on Mar-18-2016